White Clintonia [Clintonia umbellulata] found near the Blue Ridge Parkway, milepost 437, Glassy Mine Overlook, along the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, on 30 May 2015. It’s a member of the Lily (Liliaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 338-339, says its flowers bloom in spring and early summer. USDA Plants Listing: Clintonia umbellulata
Tag: wildflowers
May 25 2015
Nodding Plumeless Thistle
Nodding Plumeless Thistle[Carduus nutans] near the railroad tracks on Old Airport Road in Fletcher, North Carolina on 16 June 2013 and 25 May 2015. It’s a member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 430-431, says blooms in summer and fall, and that it grows on roadsides and in waste places. USDA Plants …
May 10 2015
Heartleaf Foamflower
May 05 2015
Miami Mist or Fringed Phacelia
Miami Mist or Fringed Phacelia [Phacelia purshii] found in, Franklin, North Carolina on 5 May 2015. It’s a member of the Waterleaf (Hydrophyllaceae) family that blooms in spring. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 234-235, states it grows in rich woods and fields. These were found near a stream of water at the Macon County Recreation Park. …
Apr 30 2015
Yellow Thistle
Yellow Thistle [Cirsium horridulum] found in, Franklin, North Carolina on 30 April 2015. It’s a member of the Aster (Asteraceae or Compositae) family that blooms in spring. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 430-431, states it grows in fields, meadows, and borders of salt marshes. Pam Forey’s American Nature Guides: Wildflowers states on page 185: “The flowers …
Apr 11 2015
Mayapple or Mandrake
Mayapple or Mandrake [Podophyllum peltatum] found on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail near the Folk Art Center on 11 April 2015. It’s a member of the Bayberry (Berberidaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 354-355, says that it’s found in rich woods and pastures in Spring. USDA Plants Listing: Podophyllum peltatum
Apr 11 2015
Wild Oats or Sessileleaf Bellwort
Wild Oats or Sessileleaf Bellwort [Uvularia sessilifolia] found on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail near the Folk Art Center on 11 April 2015. It’s a member of the Lily (Liliaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 340-341, says that it’s common in woods and thickets in Spring. It has a clasping leaf that is not pierced by the …
Mar 26 2015
Toadshade [Trillium sessile] found on Troy Hill Circle, Fletcher, North Carolina on 26 & 28 March 2015. It’s a member of the Lily (Liliaceae) family that blooms in spring. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 124-125, states it grows in rich woods, and lists an alternate name of Toad Trillium. The mottling on the leaves is like …
Mar 23 2015
Coltsfoot [Tussilago farfara] found on Troy Hill Circle, Fletcher, North Carolina on 23 March 2015. It’s a member of the Aster (Asteraceae or Compositae) family that blooms in early Spring. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 358-359, states it grows in damp soil of streamsides, banks, and waste places. It was introduced from Europe and now has …
Oct 25 2014