Tag: Pisgah National Forest


Spotted-Mandarin [Prosartes maculata] found in Pisgah National Forest, Candler, North Carolina on 13 April 2023. It’s a member of the Lily (Liliaceae) family.  National Wildlife Federation’s Wildflowers of North America, page 305, says it’s out in woods in spring and also called Nodding-Mandarin. USDA Plants Listing: Prosartes maculata

Sharp-lobed Hepatica

Sharp-lobed Hepatica [Hepatica nobilis] found in Pisgah National Forest, Candler, North Carolina on 13 April 2023. It’s a member of the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 338-9, says it’s out in woods in Early spring. USDA Plants Listing: Hepatica nobilis

Heartleaf Foamflower

Heartleaf Foamflower [Tiarella cordifolia] found in Pisgah National Forest on 10 May 2015. It’s a member of the Saxifrage (Saxifragaceae) family that blooms in spring. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 178-179, states it grows in rich woods. USDA Plants Listing: Tiarella cordifolia