Sheep Laurel or Lambkill

Sheep Laurel or Lambkill [Kalmia angustifolia] found near old Stella Mines area on 24 June 2013. It’s a member of the Heath (Ericaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 292-293, says that it blooms in late spring and early summer and can be found in pastures, woods, and swamps. The guide also states that the “foliage [is] poisonous to livestock.”

USDA Plants Listing: Kalmia angustifolia

Sheep Laurel near old Stella Mines area - 24 June 2013

Sheep Laurel near old Stella Mines area – 24 June 2013

Sheep Laurel (different lighting) - 24 June 2013

Sheep Laurel (different lighting) – 24 June 2013