Scarlet Indian Paintbrush

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush [Castilleja coccinea] found near mile marker 437 on the Blue Ridge Parkway on 15 June 2014. It’s a member of the Figwort (Scrophulariaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 70-71, states that it grows in moist meadows in late spring and summer. The guide also refers to the flower as “Painted Cup.”

USDA Plants Listing: Castilleja coccinea

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush - 15 June 2014

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush – 15 June 2014

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush (top) - 15 June 2014

Scarlet Indian Paintbrush (top) – 15 June 2014