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Crown Vetch [Securigera varia] found at Fletcher Park on 1 June 2013. It’s a member of the Pea (Fabaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 66-67, states “it’s a sprawling plant of roadsides, extensively planted as a ground cover for steep banks” and lists it as Coronilla varia. These flowers were on the border of a field that was in the process of being plowed.

USDA Plants Listing: Securigera varia

Crown Vetch at Fletcher Park - 1 June 2013

Crown Vetch at Fletcher Park – 1 June 2013

Crown Vetch (top view) - 1 June 2013

Crown Vetch (top view) – 1 June 2013

Crown Vetch (with tractor & plow) - 1 June 2013

Crown Vetch (with tractor & plow) – 1 June 2013