Quarry Trail, De Soto State Park, Fort Payne, Alabama

An impromptu inuksuk is built on the way to the quarry that was worked by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s.

Martha is showing off her pig tail.


On the Quarry trail….

This was on the back of the door as you enter the park’s nature center.

Unclaimed Baggage Center, Scottsboro, Alabama

DeKalb Theatre, Fort Payne, Alabama – US Route 11

Sir Sandford Fleming, 1827-1915









Sir Sandford Fleming, who mapped the route for the intercolonial Railway and designed Canada’s first postage stamp.  He was also a proponent of the establishment of time zones.  This stamp was issued on 16 September 1977, for famous Canadians.

First Airmail Stamp of Bolivia

Issued in December 1924 to mark the establishment of a National Aviation School.  This is the lowest denomination in the issue of seven stamps.

Martha’s Camel Ride

Canadian Postage Stamps – The Peace Issue of 1946

After the end of the Second World War in 1945 Canada decided to replace the high values of the War Effort Issue with designs symbolic of the simple, peaceful and industrious life of Canada.

Page 105, Hansen’s Guidebook & Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 1970.

Philip K. Dick

Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada

Staghorn Sumac

This photo of Staghorn Sumac [Rhus typhina] was taken at Trout Lake, Hermon, NY, on 29 July 2011.  It is a member of the Cashew (Anacardiaceae) family.  Harvesting Color shows it yielding a light brown dye with an Alum mordant and a green/gray-green with an iron one (Pages 100-103).

USDA Plants Listing:  http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=RHTY

Staghorn Sumac at Trout Lake

Staghorn Sumac at Trout Lake