
Coltsfoot [Tussilago farfara] found on Troy Hill Circle, Fletcher, North Carolina on 23 March 2015. It’s a member of the Aster (Asteraceae or Compositae) family that blooms in early Spring. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 358-359, states it grows in damp soil of streamsides, banks, and waste places. It was introduced from Europe and now has become naturalized, prevalent in the Northeastern US and Eastern Canadian provinces.

USDA Plants Listing: Tussilago farfara

Ontario (Canada) Weeds: Colt’s foot

Coltsfoot (multiple) - 23 March 2015

Coltsfoot (multiple) – 23 March 2015

Coltsfoot (more) - 23 March 2015

Coltsfoot (more) – 23 March 2015